Green Energy Catalysis Process Group

Methods of gaining products and energy are of significant importance. While the product or the form of energy remaining the same, different production processes and production methods have critical impacts on climate change mitigation, and environmental and human concerns in general. The lab aims at the conversion of energy: efficacy and sustainability. The group is focusing on the production of chemicals and fuel from renewable energy (wind, solar, and biomass). The group researchers are using and combing separation and catalysis methods to gain renewable chemicals and energy, in particular from biomass and natural gas.

Director of Center/Group
Prof. CAO Zhengwen
Prof. CAO’s research activity focuses mainly on catalysis and separation, including the design and synthesis of new catalytic and separate methods for renewable energy conversion.
Research Interest
Renewable Energy; Catalysis; Separation

Research Fields
Membrane reactor based on oxygen-transporting membrane
Mechanical catalysis
Lignin depolymerization
Cellulose depolymerization

Representative Research
By applying the novel strategy combining catalysis and separation, the production of aromatic hydrocarbons and derivatives from renewable carbon resources was performed. Main research achievements including the conversion of the pyrolysis oil into alkyl phenol by integrating catalysis and separation methods; separated production of aromatic hydrocarbons and alicyclic hydrocarbons with high purity from lignin by funneling catalytic methods; separating the activation and reaction steps in the catalytic process and achieving improved methane aromatization efficiency. These works based on the integrated design of catalysis and separation methods have significantly improved the efficiency of the production of aromatic hydrocarbons and derivatives from biomass raw materials.
