
Lecture: Preparation of Super-active Catalysts for Fischer-tropsch Synthesis and Hydrogen Production with Micro Channel Reactor

LecturePreparation of Super-active catalysts for Fischer-tropsch synthesis and Hydrogen production with micro channel reactor

LecturerProf. XIAO Tiancun  (The University of Oxford, UK

Time15:30, July 10, 2019, Tuesday

Location216 Meeting Room, Energy Building 


Dr XIAO Tiancun is Senior Research Fellow of Oxford University, CEO of Oxford Sustainable Fuels. He is also the founder and technical director of KOPRC, a Centre of Excellence of Oxford-Saudi Arabia joint research Centre.

Dr XIAO Tiancun received his BSc from Northwest University China in 1987 and his Doctoral Degree of Chemistry from Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1993. He worked in Shandong University until 1999, reaching the position of deputy Dean of the Environmental Engineering Department. During this period he collaborated with the World Bank and United Nation Environmental Programme for Shandong World Bank Environmental Projects.

He joined the University of Oxford in 1999 as the Royal Society BP-Amoco Fellow, and co-founded Oxford Catalysts, a spin-out company in 2004.  The company was created based upon his research at the Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory at the University of Oxford and floated on the London AIM Market in April 2006, where he played as the director of the company also CTO of the company. He worked with the management team to acquire Velocys ( in 2008, and later rebranded Oxford Catalysts as Velocys. After the company operated steadily and shifts focus to USA in 2010, he moved back to Oxford University, working as a Senior Research Fellow ( tiancun-xiao.aspx) and also a team leader in Chemistry Department, Oxford University.

Dr XIAO’s research focuses on new catalysts materials development, hydrogen fuel production, clean process and functional materials. He has published more than 200 papers and filed more than 50 patents, involving novel catalyst materials for energy industry, environmental purification, functional food. He has been founders of Oxford Catalysts, Oxford Sustainable Fuels (, and Oxford Hydrofuels. He also sits in the board of a British Honey Ltd.