
Visit of the Delegation of Boeing Company to the QIBEBT

On July 29, 2009, the Delegation of Boeing Company visited the Qingdao Institute of Bioenergy and Bioprocess Technology (QIBEBT). Dr. Xuefeng Lv, Deputy Director of the R&D Department host the meeting and some PIs in the QIBEBT attended.

During the meeting, Deputy Director General Hui Peng delivered a warm welcome message on behalf of the Institute to the Delegation. Dr. Michael Lakeman and Dr. Brad Wheatley introduced the application and requirement of the sustainable biofuels in aviation, and the workshops on sustainable biofuels that Boeing has already organized and involved, respectively. Professor Jian Xu introduced the research and development, management and operation of QIBEBT. Under the MOU signed between Boeing Company and Chinese Academy of Sciences, the parties informed each other on research activities and interests and further discussed prospects for future cooperation in the fields of energy algal gene reconstruction, mass culture, oil extraction, production cost and lifecycle analysis. The parties reached a consensus in strengthening the exchange and technical cooperation with a consortium focusing on algal biofuel.

The Delegation had a campus tour at the QIBEBT.
